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Cause of vaginal discharge and how to cope

One disease that is often experienced by women is vaginal discharge. Whiteness is a disease that occurs in the female genitals or vagina, which is where there is liquid or creamy white either watery or thick gray, and sometimes smells and can cause intense itching. Cause of vaginal discharge is a gland located in the uterus and vagina that brings out the dead cells and bacteria along with the release of lenders in the vagina. The exit of these lenders work to keep the vagina clean and help prevent infection.
In general, it was natural that women experience vaginal discharge. Because almost all women experience vaginal discharge. In addition vaginal discharge is often experienced by women also varied, ranging from the amount of fluid in and out of different colors, ranging from clear to yellow such as  milk. This relates to every woman's menstrual cycle. 

If you're experiencing the fertile period or ovulation, lactation, or in a state of arousal, the normal vaginal discharge experienced by the women. The smell of vaginal discharge that you experienced any change if you are pregnant, but it also usually in because you are not keeping your vagina clean. For that, you should if you know what causes the condition you are experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge like this.
Changes in the balance of bacteria in the vagina can affect the color, odor, and texture of any discharge that you experienced. But there are some conditions that can cause changes in the balance of bacteria and vaginal acid pH levels, such as :

ü   The use of antibiotics and steroids long that cause bacterial vaginal pH both guards dead and causing mold growth.
ü   That bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection that often occurs in women who are pregnant or in women who have multiple sexual partners.
ü   The use of birth control pills so that the balance of hormones are affected and there is no balance pH.
ü   Cervical cancer.
ü   Chlamydia, gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection in the relationship.
ü   Uncontrolled diabetes to high blood sugar causes the sugar in the urine and blood, causing bacteria to flourish.
ü   The use of soap organ vagina that can interfere with vaginal pH balance.
Pelvic infection after surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease.
ü   Trikomonisasi or parasitic infection that is usually in because of unsafe sex.
ü   Vaginal atrophy, thinning and dryness of the vaginal wall because monopouse.
ü   Vaginitis is a condition of inflammation and irritation around the vagina.

How to cope with vaginal discharge in women ?

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thing to do to solve your problems and all that IS HERE

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